Guest Post by: Marsha of Savvy Natural You 

Are you using your time wisely? Do you have a to-do list that never seems to get done? If you are like most women, you probably work on multiple projects often. It can be a real challenge  to make certain you are using time effectively. Never to fear I’m here to help with my top 5 Tips to help you manage your time wisely.




Create a To-Do list

We are all familiar with To-Do lists. Although this may seem like an unnecessary task, it is very important when it comes to allocating your time and making sure that you get things done. We often make a mental check list of what needs to be done but actually writing a checklist is best. You are able to see what you have to do and work your way through the list.

Set a date

Set dates with yourself and make a commitment to get things done. Make time for the things that you need to do by marking task in your calendar and actually handle the things that you need to take care of. I am working on a book and I actually mark in my schedule the days that I want to write and the days that I will read to do research for the book. Sometimes I set dates to handle something months in advance. I set myself a 24-hour notice to remind me of those future to-do’s.

Time yourself

I know that you are busy and we often dread starting a new task in fear of it taking up too much time within our busy lives. Don’t just create a To-Do list and mark the day that you want to do it. Actually put a start and end time. This will allow you to set a realistic time-frame for how long it will take to handle your task while not interfering with the other things that you have going on in your busy life. When I am cleaning my home, I set a timer on my cell phone and stop or wrap up my chores after the bell rings. Setting my timer helps me to stay on task because I know that I need to get everything done in the allocated time. When I set my timer I am less likely to get distracted by thinks like Facebook or TV.

Reschedule incomplete tasks

It is OK if you cannot complete everything at once or if something comes up and you cannot handle the task when you expected. Simply reschedule your take for a later time or a later date in the near future so that it gets done. We are not always able to have complete control over our schedules but don’t allow interruptions of your schedule or not being able to complete everything at once discourage your from completing your tasks.

Mark it DONE

Finally, when you have completed a task; MARK IT DONE. You have HANDLED IT! That’s an accomplishment and now you can create your new to-do list.

I hope this article is helpful. What are some things that you have been putting off and need to HANDLE. If you have already have a schedule etc. reply HANDLED IT to this post!