Guest Post by: Beauty School Scarlet

A few weeks ago I saw a commercial for a Nair Hair Removal product that caught my attention so I decided to go to my local Walgreens to make a purchase. I picked up a box of the Nair Brazilian Spa Clay Total Care Body Trio and rushed home to give it a try.

I won’t spend much time giving you the beauty 411 on the brand because it’s a brand that has been around for years. So, here’s the short version of what Nair is all about. They are an iconic at home hair removal brand that offers an alternative to shaving. Using Nair prevents cuts, razor bumps and nicks. It ‘s made to be gentler, last longer and cost less than waxing at a salon.

But, I had questions…does it really do that?  Did it leave my legs feeling smooth and last longer than shaving or waxing? And was it gentler? Hmmm…inquiring minds want to know and I am going to give you the answers below in the Glam it or Slam it and my final grade!


The Glam: The Nair Brazilian Spa Clay Total Care Body Trio looked like it would be easy to apply. The kit came with wipes for prepping the skin, a spatula to apply the clay cream to remove unwanted hair and gel to soothe the skin after you remove the clay. The prep wipes were like an oil to coat the skin to prevent irritation, which they did on the first try. The clay is the hair remover, and it did remove the hair. The soothing gel moisturized and soothed the skin, kind of like a post shave healer.



Everything went pretty well on the first try, on my legs and bikini area but my underarms…now that’s a different story; they were a little irritated but nothing major.


The Slam: The first time around everything was good except my underarms. The second time was something short of a tragic situation. The directions suggest you wait 72 hours before your next application. Since I have sensitive skin, I decided to wait a little over a week. I followed the same directions as the last time. I even left the cream on for a shorter time because I didn’t want to take any chances.

When I went to rinse the cream from my underarms, they were on FIYA not fire but FIYA. The soothing gel did not soothe and my deodorant burned and irritated them more. Later that night my underarms were red and swollen with puffy patches that hurt every time I moved my arms. It took three days for the reaction to clear 🙁

My legs were okay until later that night,  they became itchy and I felt like I had the chicken pox. In fact, they are still itching a week later. I have scratched them so hard that I have a scab on one of my legs. I’m so thankful that I did not apply this on my bikini area this time!!!

My final grade for the Nair Brazilian Spa Clay Total Care Body Trio is 1 out of 5 smooches…MUAH. It did remove the hair but the itching, burning and irritation is not worth the try or buy.

Beauty is sometimes pain but this…was totally an epic fail! Now, I’m not saying that this will happen to you. Everyone has different skin and reactions so use it at your own risk! If you want to try it, head over to your local drug store; it cost $16.99. Happy Shopping and Good Luck!

PS…my hair grew back within a week. It’s better to go to a spa and get a wax!