One of the biggest challenges of having natural hair is that it is dry all the time. I have tried so many different products and methods to help decrease dryness. Usually my hair looks nice, shiny and is soft for a while, but it doesn’t seem to last. I started doing a little research and found the LOC method, I have to admit, I was bit skeptical at first because it seems like every five minutes, there is something new in the natural hair community. So I know by now, you are asking what is the LOC method? Let me break it down for you.

My LOC tools, the Qredew wand, leave in conditioner , argan oil and a creamy moisturizer.

My LOC tools, the Qredew wand, leave in conditioner , argan oil and a creamy moisturizer.

The LOC method, consists of three simple steps.

L — Apply a LIQUID/Leave In Conditioner to your hair.

O — Layer an OIL  of your choice over the liquid to seal it in.

C — Add a CREAM moisturizer or styler on top of the oil/butter and proceed with styling!

This is a twist out achieved with the LOC method, my curls stayed hydrated for at least a week.

This is a twist out achieved with the LOC method, my curls stayed hydrated for at least a week.

If you are anything like me, you are probably asking yourself, “Do I really need to do that and why?” I hear you, girl; I hate when naturalistas have like 15 different steps in their hair regime. It really drives me nuts! To answer your question, though, yes, you really need to do all three steps because each step serves a purpose. The liquid helps to hydrate the hair, the oil/butter works to seal in moisture, and the cream product closes the hair cuticle, preventing moisture loss. And there you have it: a method that actually helps to condition hair and prevent dryness. Try it and let me know how and if it works for you!