I’m Amala Okoye, I’m in the 6th grade. I have one sister and one brother; I’m the baby of the family. I am also an aunt my nephew is 3. I am very creative, especially when I write and draw. I would like to be a pediatrician when I am older. I’ve been invited to the NJHS and I am extremely excited about that. One of my motto’s is ‘ believe in yourself and don’t listen to negative thing people say about you’.”



Marita A: How long have you been natural?



Amala: I’ve been natural for two years



Marita A: What inspired you to go natural?



Amala: My mom and my aunts are all locked and I wanted to do it.

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Marita A: Who are your YouTube or Facebook “hairspirations“?



Amala: None at the moment. My “hairspiration” comes from me, Ofei and Lucky. Ofei does my hair. Lucky helps. They always try to do what I ask.



Marita A: What was the most difficult part of transitioning to natural?



Amala: It wasn’t difficult for me. I wanted to do it. I knew that some of my classmates may look at me funny or talk about my hair, but it didn’t bother me. My mom used to always ask if I was being teased when I started my locks. I told her my classmates’ words did not bother me because this is what I wanted to do.

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Marita A: How did your family or friends react to your hair’s new kinky texture?



Amala: My mom was nervous at first because she thought I was too young to lock my hair or that I would be teased. But, some of her friends told her that if I wanted to do it she should let me because it meant I was ready. Now she loves it as much as I do. Everyone thinks it looks cute on me.



Marita A: What’s in your makeup bag?



Amala: Lip-gloss. :)



Marita A: What is your wash day routine like?



Amala: I usually go to the shop. They wash and condition my hair really well. My mom used to do it when it was shorter. She would wash my hair with Shea Moisture Retention Shampoo and Conditioner.

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Marita A: How did you keep your skin naturally beautiful?



Amala: I am 11. It’s naturally beautiful. No worries. I do wash my face every day. I don’t use soap on my face.



Marita A: Did you go through any kind of personal/spiritual transformation while going through the process of going natural?



Amala: No.



Marita A: What are some of your favorite hairstyles?



Amala: One of my favorite hairstyle is the faux Mohawk. I like buns too.

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Marita A: What encouragement can you give to someone who maybe considering going natural?



Amala: Be patient. Your hair will catch up to the way you want it to look.



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