Guest Post by: Fire Fit Coach

There is a good chance that you, or someone you know, has been on (and fallen off) some diet plan. Many times, people start a plan with excitement, and see that the diet isn’t sustainable in the long term, or they revert back after they hit their short term goals. So what do you do? How do you sustain that excitement that you feel in the beginning? I know people get tired of hearing this, but it truly does require a lifestyle change. Here are a few simple tips.

  1. Journal what you are eating and the times of your meals. Seeing if you are eating enough or way too much will give you the information on where to start.
  2. Tackle breakfast first! Starting your day off with a satisfying meal will help control your cravings and keep you energized until lunch.
  3. Do not beat yourself up for not being perfect. Aim for constant improvement,  not perfection.
  4. Don’t get caught up in fad diets, like low/no carbs, low fat, no sugar diets, and the like. Our bodies need a plethora of vitamins and nutrients which are found in fats, proteins, and carbs. So do not make any (real) food the enemy.
  5. Fool proof your house and your life. If you know that cookies are your weakness,  don’t buy them…for you or the kids. If you are not able to resist alcohol just yet, don’t go to a bar for girl’s night out. If you know that your boss brings donuts every Friday,  be vigilant about eating breakfast and bringing healthy tasty snacks.
  6. An easy guide for creating a well balanced meal: make half the plate veggies, 1/4 of the plate a healthy carb, and 1/4 of the plate a lean protein.
  7. Get some support! Find a reliable accountability buddy. Start a contest at work. Get a trainer. And if the people around you start to falter, get some new support!! You deserve it!!